OPM: Hero of Calamity (On Hold) Chương 6 (2024)

-## Five Years Later ##-

Five years... It has been five years... And the result of our training is very satisfying... If we want, we can level this city with one attack... Even Tatsumaki can make this city floating before throwing it into space...

As for me, I can blast my dark matters, and half the city will be gone... My lighting is not very good with a huge target, but the piercing power is very goods...

And many of my research has been completed, and that really helps... My railgun and armor have been upgraded, become more powerful and cool...

(Insert Armor And Railgun Here)

Then about the cyborg... As I can make clones with his own thoughts, I don't need a human for cyborg experiments... I just need to make a body with my dark matter, then insert his conscious or coding them with my electromancer...

And Tatsumaki doesn't want me to experiment with humans... As that will make her remember our past... But it's okay with monsters as she said, 'Monster is bad.' And they are very annoying...

They just pop out of nowhere then start attacking you without care... Making Tatsumaki very mad because they always bother us on every occasion...

She has been twisting, blasting, and trashing every monster she saw... And they are weak... So weak that I don't have to move my body to kill them... I just need to lock their location then crush them with my dark matter...

Same with Tatsumaki... Only on a few occasions, some powerful monster appears... Although not enough to make our blood boils And too many small fries to face... So I make a shadow squad to kill the small fries...

They are just some cyborg I made with my dark matter... And their main task is to kill small fries around us... Just around us... We are not nice enough to give this city protection even if we are strong... Hmm... Maybe we'll do it in some cases...

And the monsters, or what they say 'mysterious beings' in this world, are strange, very strange, I say... Because they can be anything, yes, anything. Humans, animals, plastics, some wreckage, and many other things, from living to non-living beings...

I don't think about it too much before, but lately, they just appear too much... And many of the civilians here started moving to the center of town... And we moved too...

Not to the center city, but the sky... After years of research and training, finally, I can make our super base...

The base was a supermassive android whale, and I called her 'Android Calamity Terraria'...

(Her name is 'Terraria' with the title 'Android Calamity'...)

(Insert Terraria Whale Form)

With 200m long and 150m wide... Our Terraria is equipped with thousands of my dark matter properties... Like defense that can block any energy (heat, cold, electricity, and others) and life-supporting abilities so we can live in space if we want...

My Terraria can also store energy, analyze, high-speed thinking, high-speed movement, and many others...

What about the firepower??

Hehe... Terraria is equipped with world obliteration cannon that can pierce the earth and make the earth collapse after that... If it is just for a smalls enemy, she can create thousand of small railguns in her body...

And with the energy she stores in her body, she can fight in full capacities for two months even after firing the world obliteration cannon... But I don't think she needed that... Because I don't think there is someone who can defeat her other than me... Her maker...

Other than Terraria, I also have made many unique pieces of equipment... Like what we use right now... We have a floating halo above our head and some floating dark matter in our back...

(Insert Equipment, Code Name Angel)

And this 'Angel' is equipped with AI (Like Jarvis From Iron Man) with the codename 'Guardian'... Like its codename. The mains function of this 'Angel' is to guard us with some support ability like flying, mind connecting, clothing replacement, and link(To Terraria)...

And other equipment that I don't want to tell yet... (or don't have any ideas for now)...

And Terraria is hidden from the public with her invisibility for now...

Now now... Let's talk about our life in these five years... Firstly about Blast, In the first year, Blast comes to us and asking about our family. I just say that I don't have any and we move to Tatsumaki...

Tatsumaki is quite heartbroken when her family sold her off... And quite resent with that, but she let it because her little sister, Just she doesn't want to meet her parent again...

And after that, Blast wants to take care of us, but we reject it because we don't need it and because he likes to disappear somewhere... Then he left because he wants to continue his working as 'Hero For Fun'... And we just shrug it off...

We meet Tatsumaki's little sister in the second year. Her name is Fubuki, and Tatsumaki has told everything to Fubuki... Making Fubuki down for some time, but quickly make her choice...

That she didn't want her parent to go to jail... And Tatsumaki is okay with that, but she still warns her parent that she is back and doesn't need them again...

Then she asks Fubuki if she wants to go with us, but Fubuki says she needs to finish school first... And only after that, she'll go with us... Then we meet a month after month while touring city after city...

At first, I want to try school too... But after observing them for some time, I feel like it's just a waste of time and boring... They are too childish, weak, stupid, and lastly annoying...

Making me feel disdain for them... And Tatsumaki doesn't like school as she was too lazy to do that...

And today, we are hanging somewhere in the sky with our Terraria... Tatsumaki is with Fubuki in the main hall, playing a game that I made for them... While I'm at the laboratory, reading some data Terraria presents to me...

And yes, they let Fubuki play with us after me blackmailing them with some videos of their agreement with scientists I found in the lab... I don't know why they still keep stuff like that, and I don't care... They just make my job easier with that... And I'm thankful for that...

There are still many things I got from the labs. But they're not too useful for me... So I just ignored them...

And in these five years, we are a bit popular in this city. Because of our power and our unique looks...

Because of the many mysterious being appears lately, many people have witnessed our power to kill them... And they started to call us 'dark angels', 'guardian angels' or something like that...

But they're keeping the word 'angel' because of our floating halo and wings... And Tatsumaki loved it when people's calling us angels, so I'm not bothering them with it... Well, as long as they do not irritate me or disturbing me with it, I'm fine...

And they are calling us guardian because we are saving the city from a mysterious being called herself 'Ant Quent' and her armies a few years ago...

That day we are just chilling ourselves out in the city before an army of ants emerged from the ground and attacking anything in their sight... Ruined our days and making the girls mad(Tatsumaki and Fubuki)...

Then Tatsumaki starts to massacre them while protecting Fubuki and Fubuki trying to save some civilians... As for me... I'm searching for their queen because they're blabbering about how great was their queen...

The ant army is just too many. Although some civilians are fighting too. The damage is quite devastating... Then my fight with Ant Queen only adds to the damages...

That Ant Queen and her guard is the strongest, mysterious being I fought so far... And her army is very annoying because of their numbers and suicide though when their queen dies...

The Ant Queen and armies are strong enough to level this city in a few hours, but because they met us, their fate is sealed...

Alright, let's not think about that... For now, Terraria already collected some data about superhumans (Including esper and martial artists) and mysterious beings in this world... And the data is quite chaotic and random...

Let's look at superhumans first, like me an esper... For me, I'm an artificial esper made by human experimentation... And I shouldn't be this strong because an artificial esper in this world is weak. Different from a natural esper like Tatsumaki and Fubuki that can train their esper power like human body...

But maybe because of my unique or special body given by the light thing, my esper power can integrate easily with my body and make me a natural artificial esper...

And I think I'm not human anymore or more likely half-human half mysterious being... Well, I'm not surprised because I've met a few humans who became mysterious beings in this world...

Well, I don't care... As long I have this human body, I can still be human, and my body isn't different from a human if you scan it with an X-ray... It's just that I can disperse my body like my dark matter then create another body to my conscious reside...

And I don't think there is another esper like me... But there are more cons than pros, so that's fine...

Back to the esper power... Esper power in this world can be awakened by emotions, willpower, or artificial like me, and their degree of ability is variated...

They can awaken strong esper power that can destroy the city or only awaken weak esper power... We can see this difference between Tatsumaki and Fubuki...

When Tatsumaki awakens her power, she can lift a school... But, when Fubuki awakens, she can only make some objects floating... Maybe if we look again, Tatsumaki awakens with intense emotion, and Fubuki awakens because she had the talent...

Even not strong enough like Tatsumaki, she can train her esper power to become strong... And the difference is the catalyst... Tatsumaki with emotions and Fubuki with talent...

Well, Tatsumaki must have talent. Just her awakening is more intense... And from what I observe, willpower and emotions are basic things you need to become superhuman in this world...

But still, you need to break your limit with intense training, fighting, or research...

Intense training and fighting are the most straightforward means to become superhumans... Then using martial arts, assassin art, or sword art makes it easier for you to use your superhuman body... But if you don't have that, using brawl skills is enough...

Research is a shortcut that is easy and not at the same time... Easy because if you succeed you can gain a super body. And not because you need to dedicate your time to many trials and errors. Sometimes you need even a decade for your research. And even when your research is finished, then use it... You most likely become a mysterious being...

And for mysterious beings in this world is mostly creature that has broken their limitations... For example, animal(Including Insect) creatures will resemble humanoid beings, or their bodies become bigger and stronger...

But still, that doesn't explain why non-living beings can turn into mysterious beings...

"Nii-san, what are you doing??"

My thinking time is disturbed by Fubuki, and I just shook my head to stop thinking about it...

"Nothing, just thinking about something... Where is Tatsumaki??"

Well, I'm too focused on the data until I'm not aware of my surroundings... I didn't even realize Tatsumaki left Terraria...

"Hehe... Nee-san is buying some ice cream for us..."

Fubuki answer with her triumphant smile... And I just tilted my head to her... Hmm...

"Can't you get Terraria to buy it??"

"No no no... Nee-san is lost to me... So she needs to buy me ice cream alone..."

Say Fubuki while crossing her hand and shook her head...

"Hahaha... So she still lost to you even after her training??"

I said with a light laugh while patting her head... I don't know why... But Fubuki is fond of my pat while Tatsumaki is like to cuddle with me... Not complaining, but girls are still the most mysterious beings in the world because you can't understand them...

"Hmm hmm... Nee-san is just too bad, and she won't be able to beat me... "

She nodded, then frowning with her cute face while saying...

"But Nee-san is strong, and Nii-san is strong too... I want to become strong like you two, and then I'll be a hero too... Hehehe..."

She then starts to fantasizing about her become strong enough, saving the world, and people begin calling her a hero too...

But before she finished her fantasy, her head is chopped by Tatsumaki from behind... Making 'Ouch' sound while shielding her head then see to the back, blinked and say...

"Nee-san, you are back..."

Then Tatsumaki saying that she will beat her little sister in the game later. Before Fubuki saying 'Nee-san is just too bad at that.' quarreling a second... But, later they began to discuss the next tour and what will they buy while pulling me to the pool...

I just follow them before they began to wearing beach clothes in front of me...

'Hmm... Life is good...'


Author Here...

I just want to say that I'm still writing this FF, Just that like 50-100 words per day because my will is not strong enough to finish it at once...

And to clarify some things that might be confusing...

1. Age

Tatsumaki is 15 years(Same with Zero) in this chapter, and Fubuki is 10 years...

2. Zero Character

Zero Character is caring but also indifferent... He only cares for Tatsumaki and Fubuki now... To other people's he just likes 'Who are you anyway??' and shrugs it off...

But not completely heartless, he will help if a city gets destroyed if he was there... And will be looking for something fun like fighting strong opponents, touring the city, bathing, and something like that...

3. Zero Bodies

I mention that Zero can make his body disperse... What I say is Zero can integrate his conscious with dark matter, and he is basically immortal... But his body is 100% human, so he can feel touch, heat, and other humans do...

4. Tatsumaki and Fubuki's Parents are non-important characters for me... They have little effect on the story, so I just mention them like a wind that passing by...

5. Fubuki Has an 'Angel' too, and she has awakened her esper power...

6. The 'Guardian' AI is passive AI.

He can only take orders and can't talks...

Maybe just that... If you have something to say, just say it...

I'm open to criticism and suggestions...

And I'm Lazy... Bye...



OPM: Hero of Calamity (On Hold) Chương 6 (1) White_Crown

About 2300 words... And I'm So LAzy Aaahhhh....

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

OPM: Hero of Calamity (On Hold) Chương 6 (2024)
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Author: Delena Feil

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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.