Tell How Many Roots Of The Following Polynomial Are In The Right Half-plane, In The Left Half-plane, (2024)

Answer 1

The polynomial P(s) = s^5 + 3s^4 + 5s^3 + 4s^2 + s + 3 does not have any roots in the right half-plane, left half-plane, or on the jω-axis.

To determine the roots of the polynomial P(s) = s^5 + 3s^4 + 5s^3 + 4s^2 + s + 3, we need to analyze the location of the roots in the complex plane.

The right half-plane refers to the region where the real part of the complex number is greater than zero (Re > 0). The left half-plane refers to the region where the real part is less than zero (Re < 0). The jω-axis refers to the imaginary axis where the real part is zero (Re = 0).

By observing the coefficients of the polynomial, we can determine the number of roots in each region:

1. Right Half-Plane: The polynomial has no terms with negative coefficients. Therefore, it does not have any roots in the right half-plane.

2. Left Half-Plane: The polynomial does not have any terms with positive coefficients. Hence, it does not have any roots in the left half-plane.

3. jω-Axis: To find the roots on the jω-axis, we need to set the real part (Re) of the complex number to zero. This means setting s = jω, where j is the imaginary unit (√(-1)). Substituting this into the polynomial, we get:

P(jω) = (jω)^5 + 3(jω)^4 + 5(jω)^3 + 4(jω)^2 + (jω) + 3

Simplifying the expression, we find that all the terms with jω in them will have an imaginary part (Im) and real part (Re) equal to zero. Therefore, the polynomial does not have any roots on the jω-axis either.

In summary, the polynomial P(s) = s^5 + 3s^4 + 5s^3 + 4s^2 + s + 3 does not have any roots in the right half-plane, left half-plane, or on the jω-axis.

To know more about polynomial , click here:


"The file_sys_example.cpp online opened an existing input file for reading. It also created an output file for writing the data read from the input file. It used the read and write system calls. The input file we used was 67 bytes.

Now we will use memory mapped files instead of the read and write. Also now the input file, inFile.txt will be of size 1 GB.

Create an input text file, called inFile.txt of size 1 GB by typing (and then pressing enter) the following command on the terminal:

yes This is what my input file has...| head -c 1GB >> inFile.txt

Note: The inFile.txt is 1 GB. Don’t bother opening to see the file what it contains. Instead run stat command from terminal to check its size. If you are curious to see what the yes command does, try running the following command by creating a smaller file:

yes This is what my input file has...| head -c 1KB >> testFile.txt

and then open testFile.txt to look at it.

Now, start from the given mmap.cpp on Online. The stats struct object is getting the file size.

Add to this program, the functionality of reading all data from inFile.txt and writing to an output File. The output file is to be created from within the program using creat. If creat does not work, you can create a blank output file beforehand. And open that file in the program.

Note that currently in mmap.cpp, only pagesize (4096 bytes) amount of data is being mapped to RAM. Now your file is 1 GB. In this project, you still have to map only pagesize amount of data. You just have to figure out how to map the entire 1 GB file data in chunks of pagesize. Hint: Use a for or while loop.

Additionally, in mmap.cpp, you are not writing to an output file. Add the functionality of writing the mapped data to an output file, but not using a plain "write" system call.

Hint: Use a combination of mmap and memcpy for this. Also remember that the OS creates a backup of pages being modified in the memory.

Compile the program:

clang++ mmap.cpp -o test

Run the program:

./test inFile.txt outFile.txt

file_sys_example.cpp CODE:

using namespace std;

#define BUF_SIZE 4096 // use a buffer size of 4096 bytes
#define OUTPUT_MODE 0700 // protection bits for output file

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int in_fd, out_fd, rd_count, wt_count;
char buffer[BUF_SIZE];
if (argc != 3) {
cout << ""\n"" << ""enter input file name, output file name: pgm will exit otherwise"" << ""\n"";

// Open the input file and create the output file

in_fd = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY); // open the input file

if (in_fd < 0) {
cout << ""\n"" << ""input file cannot be opened"" << ""\n"";
exit(1); // if it cannot be opened, exit

out_fd = creat(argv[2], OUTPUT_MODE); // create the output file

if (out_fd < 0) {
cout << ""\n"" << ""output file cannot be created"" << ""\n"";
exit(1); // if it cannot be created, exit
// Copy loop

while (true) {
rd_count = read(in_fd, buffer, BUF_SIZE);
if (rd_count <= 0) { // if end of file or error

/*cout<<""\n ""<<""counting......."";
cout<<""\n""<wt_count = write(out_fd, buffer, rd_count);
if (wt_count <= 0) { // if error
cout << ""\n"" << ""error on writing...exiting"" << ""\n"";

if (rd_count == 0) { // no error on last read

exit(0); // successfully exit
else {

exit(1); // error on last read
mmap.cpp CODE:


using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
/* Make sure the command line is correct */
if (argc < 2)
cout << ""FILE NAME missing\n"";


/* Open the specified file */
int fd = open(argv[1], O_RDWR);

if (fd < 0)
cout << ""\n"" << ""input file cannot be opened"" << ""\n"";

struct stat stats;
if (stat(argv[1], &stats) == 0)
cout << endl << ""file size "" << stats.st_size;
cout << ""Unable to get file properties.\n"";

/* Get the page size */
int pagesize = getpagesize();
cout << endl << ""page size is "" << pagesize << ""\n"";

/* map the file into memory */
char* data = (char*)mmap(NULL, pagesize, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);

/* Did the mapping succeed ? */
if (!data)
cout << ""\n"" << ""mapping did not succeed"" << ""\n"";

/* Print the whole file character-by-character */
for (int fIndex = 0; fIndex < pagesize; ++fIndex)

cout << data[fIndex];
cout << endl;
/* Write a string to the mapped region */
/* memcpy(data, ""Hello world, this is a test\n"", sizeof(""Hello world, this is a test""));*/

/* Unmap the shared memory region */
munmap(data, pagesize);

/* Close the file */

return 0;

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some k, at which point the brute force method terminates without
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Also note that digits are considered lexicographically smaller than letters.

Show that for a straight tapered wing the roll damping coefficient C, can be ex- pressed as CIR CLA 12 1 + 32 1+1

-) Ball 'A' is released from rest at a height of 20m. After 1 second, a
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Write a MATLAB program that can be used to determine maximum shear stress in the beam that has the cross section shown, and is subjected to specified constant distributed load w and concentrated force P. Show an application of the program using the following values:
1) L=5m,a=3.5m,P=2kN,d1 =1m,d2 =3m,w=400N/m,t1 =15mm,t2 =20mm,b = 50 mm, and h = 150 mm. Calculate the % change in shear stress if the thicknesses are changed to t1 = 20 mm, and t2 = 15 mm.
2) Plot the shear force and bending moment diagram for these values
3) Generalize your code such that it can include any value of d1, d2, w, a and P.

Given the following structure and variable definitions,
struct customer {
char lastName[ 15 ];
char firstName[ 15 ];
unsigned int customerNumber;
struct {
char phoneNumber[ 11 ];
char address[ 50 ];
char city[ 15 ];
char state[ 3 ];
char zipCode[ 6 ];
} personal;
} customerRecord, * customerPtr;
customerPtr = & customerRecord;
Write an expression that can be used to access the structure members in each of the following parts:
a) Member lastName of structure customerRecord.
b) Member lastName of the structure pointed to by customerPtr.
customerPtr->lastName or (*customerPtr).lastName
c) Member firstName of structure customerRecord.
d) Member firstName of the structure pointed to by customerPtr.
customerPtr->firstName or (*customerPtr).firstName

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Choose the correct statement about the following declarations. extern int func1() \{return 1\}; int func2() \{return 2}; A. extern will make func1 global; func2 will be only visible to the current source file scope B. fun1 and func2 will be globally visible because by default all functions in C are extern and global

A capacitor is fully charged after 25 seconds to a battery voltage of 20 Volts. The battery is replaced with a short circuit. What will be the voltage across the capacitor after one time constant?
a. 0 V
b. 7.36 V
c. 12.64 V

Describe a method to calculate the average atomic mass of the sample in the previous question using only the atomic masses of lithium-6 and lithium-7 without using the simulation. Describe a method to calculate the average atomic mass of the sample in the previous question using only the atomic masses of lithium-6 and lithium-7 without using the simulation. mass 2. Beryllium (Be) and Fluorine (F) have only one stable isotope. Use the sim and the periodic table to complete the following table: Atomic Mass of 1 Average mass of 2 Element atom atoms (sim) Average mass of 3 atoms (sim) (periodic table) Beryllium 9.01218 09.01218+9.01218)/2 (9.01218+9.0121819.01218)/3 9.01218 (Be) =9.01218 amu -9.01218 amu Fluorine 18.99840 (18.99840+18.9984092 (18.99840+18.99840-18.9840/3 18.99840 amu =18.9840 amu = 18.99840 amu amu amu amu 3. Why are all the values in each row of the table above the same? The values in each row of the table are same due to the process of equal number of neutrons 4. Lithium has only two stable isotopes. Use the sim to determine the following: a. Atomic mass of lithium-6 s. 26.01512 b. Atomic mass of lithium-7 = _7.01600 c Average atomic mass of a sample containing three lithium-6 atoms and two lithium-7 atoms. =(6.01512+6.01512-6.01512+7.01600+7.01600)/5= 6.41547 d. Is the average atomic mass you just determined closer to the mass of lithium-6 or lithium-7? Explain the average atomic mass determined is closer to the mass of lithium-6 since there are more of lithium-6 atoms in the sample.

Tell How Many Roots Of The Following Polynomial Are In The Right Half-plane, In The Left Half-plane, (2024)
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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.